Common Eye Issues for Kids

It is vital to care for children’s eyes while they are growing and developing. Various eye conditions affect children’s vision and eye health. If you or your pediatrician suspects your child may have an eye condition, you should visit an optometrist. Early diagnosis of eye issues can help reduce potential damage and make treatment more effective. Early detection can help to avoid lifelong vision problems. 



Refractive Errors


Refractive errors are the most common eye issues for children. The most common vision issues are myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. Astigmatism is a condition that affects how light focuses on the retina, resulting in blurry vision. A child with a refractive error will find it difficult to see clearly. Eye doctors usually prescribe corrective lenses to treat refractive errors. 



Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)


Amblyopia is a common eye disorder that affects many children below five years. The condition occurs when one eye is weaker and does not achieve normal function or visual acuity. 

The condition can be hard to detect as children learn to rely on the good eye. Most children are unaware of the issue but may find it difficult to read and play sports. Special eye drops, an eye patch, or surgery can help to correct the condition. 



Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)


Strabismus or misaligned eyes is a common eye issue among kids. It occurs when one eye turns outward, inward, upward, or downward. Signs may appear soon after birth or around two years of age. It is a result of eye muscles that fail to function well together. If untreated, it can lead to amblyopia or vision loss. Eye doctors treat the condition using patches, glasses, or surgery. Treatment will depend on the cause of the misalignment. 



Binocular Vision Disorder


Binocular vision disorder (BVD) occurs when the eyes are misaligned and fail to work together. This common vision issue often results in double vision, eye fatigue, headaches, dizziness, light sensitivity, and motion sickness. Children often experience stress and anxiety as a result of BVD. Eye doctors can help to diagnose and treat BVD. Vision therapy and corrective devices can help children to see clearly. 



Convergence Insufficiency 


Convergency insufficiency is a condition resulting from binocular vision. It affects eye muscle coordination, impacting near vision. The child’s eyes fail to work together effectively to focus on near objects. It can cause blurry vision, double vision, headaches, and eye fatigue. Children may experience concentration and attention difficulties due to the condition. They may also experience vertigo or motion sickness.



Vision Therapy


Vision therapy can help children to develop the required visual skills. Therapy aims to ensure the brain and visual system communicate properly. Eye specialists recommend personalized therapy programs depending on the child’s condition. 


A comprehensive eye exam will help to determine if your child has eye issues. Early diagnosis and treatment can help to reduce potential damage. This is crucial because eye conditions can hurt a child’s education and social life. 


Other issues affecting children include nystagmus, pediatric cataracts, blocked tear ducts, droopy eyelids (ptosis), chalazion, conjunctivitis, and glaucoma. Regular pediatric eye exams will help ensure your child’s eyes develop properly. 


For more information on common eye issues for kids, visit Planet Vision Eyecare at our office in Lake Worth, Florida. Call (561) 556-4600 to book an appointment today. 

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