The brain must work in coordination with the eyes. It helps keep them aligned so you can see everything in your surrounding without double vision. However, maintaining balance will become a struggle if you have eye misalignment. You will also experience uncomfortable symptoms. Fortunately, you can correct your eye misalignment using Neurolenses. Doing so will also make your vision very comfortable. Read on to learn more.
Neurolenses are prescription lenses that are the first to realign misaligned eyes using a contoured prism. They help relieve neck tension, shoulder pain, headaches, and eyestrain by correcting eye misalignment.
Neurolens have a unique technology. Prescription lenses contain prisms. However, Neurolenses are the first to use a contoured prism that helps account for eye misalignment from near and far distances.
Due to its technological breakthrough, doctors can add a contoured prism to any prescription eyeglasses. People with no refractive errors can have the contoured prism added to their nonprescription eyeglass frames.
Wearing eyeglasses with Neurolenses for the first time can cause slight disorientation. However, your symptoms will begin dissipating as your brain and eyes adjust. You may take from three days or up to three weeks. Experts compare this adjusting process to wearing progressive lenses. There are no lasting side effects known to affect patients.
Eye misalignment is a condition also known as crossed eyes or walleyes, where your eyes do not work as a pair but alternate every time they focus while looking at something or an object. Eye misalignment can sometimes arise when you get stressed or sick, or the condition can be constant. If it lasts for a long-time during childhood, the condition can result in amblyopia or lazy eyes. If it begins in adulthood, it can result in double vision.
You may have an eye misalignment problem if you have tried to eliminate vision discomfort by fixing glare problems, lighting, and taking regular breaks from using your computer. You may need expert help to measure your eye misalignment.
People with eye misalignment commonly suffer from eye fatigue, strain, headaches, neck pain, and migraines. You may also struggle with screens. In the past, specialists thought that significant eye misalignments only caused symptoms. But now, they are aware that small misalignments cause many symptoms. Your eye specialist will recommend Neurolenses to give you relief. You can join the people reporting vision comfort after wearing these solutions.
Neurolenses have a unique or special contoured prism that helps with eye realignment. These lenses correct pressure problems on the most complex nerve connected to your brain. This nerve is called the trigeminal nerve. It is responsible for your neck, head, and eye sensations.
Eye misalignment causes pressure on the trigeminal nerve. As a result, you begin experiencing tension, headaches, and eyestrain. Neurolenses have a unique diagnostic measurement that helps with detecting misalignment. It studies the gap indicating where your eyes should be and where they currently are. The Neurolenses then help with eye alignment by synchronizing your eyes.
For more about Neurolenses, visit Planet Vision Eyecare at our Lake Worth, Florida office. Call (561) 556-4600 to book an appointment today.